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发布时间:2022-01-22 21:27

【文章来源】:安徽大学安徽省 211工程院校

【文章页数】:70 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Introduction to the study
    1.2 Necessity and significance of the study
    1.3 Organization of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 General review of studies on metaphors abroad
        2.1.1 Traditional and contemporary views on metaphors
        2.1.2 Classification of metaphors
        2.1.3 Main characteristics of metaphors
    2.2 General review of studies on metaphors at home
    2.3 Review on TIME AS SPACE metaphors in English and in Chinese
        2.3.1 Three special cases of TIME AS SPACE metaphors in English
        2.3.2 Two models of TIME AS SPACE metaphors in Chinese
    2.4 Review of studies on FRONT/BACK metaphors in English and in Chinese
        2.4.1 Review of studies on FRONT/BACK metaphors in English
        2.4.2 Review of studies on FRONT/ BACK metaphors in Chinese
    2.5 Originality of the study
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Grounding of conceptual metaphor theory--experientialism
    3.2 Essence of conceptual metaphors
    3.3 Working mechanism of conceptual metaphors:cross-domain mappings
Chapter Four Methodoloigy
    4.1 Research questions
    4.2 Data collection
    4.3 Procedure of data analysis
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
    5.1 Working mechanism of FRONT/BACK metaphors in English and Chinese
    5.2 General view of FRONT/BACK metaphors both in English and Chinese corpora
    5.3 Comparison between FRONT metaphors in English and Chinese
        5.3.1 English and Chinese FRONT metaphors in time domain
        5.3.2 English and Chinese FRONT metaphors in condition domain
        5.3.3 English and Chinese FRONT metaphors in social relation and status domain
    5.4 Comparison between BACK metaphors in English and Chinese
        5.4.1 English and Chinese BACK metaphors in time domain
        5.4.2 English and Chinese BACK metaphors in condition domain
        5.4.3 English and Chinese BACK metaphors in social relation and status domain
        5.4.4 Special Chinese word "前后" with different metaphorical expressions
    5.5 Discussion
        5.5.1 Causes of the similarities between English and Chinese FRONT/BACK metaphors
        5.5.2 Causes of the differences between English and Chinese FRONT/BACK metaphors
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Summary of major findings
    6.2 Implications of the study
    6.3 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further study

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