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发布时间:2022-06-28 09:25
  随着多媒体技术的发展,隐喻表达越来越呈现出多模态化,语言符号与图片、声音等非语言符号相辅相成、交错运用,强化并凸显意义的传递。近年来国内外许多学者借鉴Lakoff和Johnson的隐喻理论,将研究语言符号中的一些特性拓展到多模态话语分析层面。如加拿大学者Charles Forceville(2012)研究多模态广告隐喻中的创造性,国内俞燕明(2013)研究新闻漫画的多模态隐喻表征方式。大部分相关研究是基于认知语言学的理论框架,只有少数学者从功能语法理论进行探究。习近平主席提出的“一带一路”经济建设思想通过多模态形式向世人传递了“共商”、“共建”、“共享”的核心价值观,为我国及世界经济发展开辟了崭新的道路。本文从功能语法视角下探讨“一带一路”主题思想的多模态表现形式,旨在研究语言及多模态是如何传递其核心隐喻意义。本文运用Halliday的系统功能语法、Kress和van Leeuwen的视觉语法及张德禄的符际间关系理论为理论基础。Halliday的系统功能语法为多模态语篇分析提供理论框架。Kress和van Leeuwen(1996)提出的视觉语法主要基于Halliday的语言观,尤其是... 

【文章页数】:96 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
    1.3 Research Questions
    1.4 Organization of the Paper
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Previous Studies on Multimodal Metaphor
        2.1.1 The Definition of Multimodality,Multimodal Discourse and Multimodal Metaphor
        2.1.2 Previous Studies on Multimodal Metaphor Abroad
        2.1.3 Previous Studies on Multimodal Metaphor at Home
        2.1.4 Comments of Previous Studies
    2.2 Previous Studies on Visual Grammar
        2.2.1 Previous Studies on Visual Grammar Abroad
        2.2.2 Previous Studies on Visual Grammar at Home
        2.2.3 Comments of Previous Studies
    2.3 Previous Studies on the“Belt and Road”Publicity Film
    2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Halliday’s Functional Grammar
        3.1.1 Ideational Meaning
        3.1.2 Interpersonal Meaning
        3.1.3 Textual Meaning
    3.2 Kress& Van Leeuwen’s Visual Grammar
        3.2.1 Representational Meaning
        3.2.2 Interactive Meaning
        3.2.3 Compositional Meaning
    3.3 Zhang Delu’s Intersemiotic Relationship Theory
    3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Analysis of Metaphorical Meanings in the“Belt and Road”Publicity Films From the Perspective of Functional Grammar
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Metaphorical Meanings of“Consultation”, “Contribution”and“Benefits Sharing”in Verbal Mode
        4.2.1 Metaphorical Meanings of“Consultation”, “Contribution”and“Benefits Sharing”Presented in Transitivity System
        4.2.2 Metaphorical Meanings of“Consultation”, “Contribution”and“Benefits Sharing”Presented in Voice System
        4.2.3 Meaning Construction of“Consultation”, “Contribution”and“Benefits Sharing”Presented in Modality System
    4.3 Metaphorical Meanings of“Consultation”, “Contribution”and“Benefits Sharing”in Visual Mode
        4.3.1 Metaphorical Meanings of“Consultation”, “Contribution”and“Benefits Sharing”Presented in the Form of the Representational Meaning
        4.3.2 Metaphorical Meanings of“Consultation”, “Contribution”and“Benefits Sharing”Presented in the Form of the Interactive Meaning
        4.3.3 Metaphorical Meanings of“Consultation”, “Contribution”and“Benefits Sharing”Presented in the Form of the Compositional Meaning
    4.4 Metaphorical Meanings of“Consultation”, “Contribution”and“Benefits Sharing”Presented in Different Modalities
    4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Research Implications
    5.3 Limitations and Future Studies




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