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发布时间:2022-08-02 10:13

【文章页数】:82 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Rationale
    1.2 Objectives of the Study
    1.3 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 A Brief History of Word Class Studies
    2.2 Controversies Surrounding Word Classes
        2.2.1 Criteria for Identifying Word Classes
        2.2.2 Approaches to Heterosemy
    2.3 Studies of Word Class Labelling in Chinese/Chinese-English Dictionaries
        2.3.1 Word Class Labelling in Chinese Dictionaries
        2.3.2 Word Class Labelling in Chinese-English Dictionaries
    2.4 Body-part Words
        2.4.1 Studies of Body-part Words from the Semantic Perspective
        2.4.2 Studies of Body-part Words from the Cognitive Perspective
        2.4.3 Studies of Body-part Words from the Cultural Perspective
        2.4.4 Studies of Body-part Words from the Perspective of Syntactic Function
    2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Theoretical Background of the Two-level Word Class Categorization Theory
        3.2.1 Language as a Complex Adaptive System
        3.2.2 The Theory of Norms and Exploitations
    3.3 The Two-level Word Class Categorization Theory
        3.3.1 Main Contents
        3.3.2 Theoretical Influence
Chapter Four Research Design
    4.1 Research Questions
    4.2 Data Collection
        4.2.1 The Selection of Dictionaries
        4.2.2 The Selection of Corpora
        4.2.3 The Collection of Monosyllabic Body-part Entries
    4.3 Data Processing
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
    5.1 General Description of Statistical Results
        5.1.1 Statistical Results of Word Class Labelling of Target Entries inDictionaries
        5.1.2 Statistical Results of Usage Patterns of Target Entries in Corpora
        5.1.3 Comparison of Dictionary-based and Corpus-based Results
    5.2 Discussion
        5.2.1 Analysis on the Differences in the NCCED2 and CCD7 about theJudgement of Wordhood
        5.2.2 Analysis of Reasons for the Division Between Dictionary-based andCorpus-based Results
        5.2.3 Solution to the Problem from the Perspective of the TWCCT
    5.3 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings
    6.2 Research Limitations
    6.3 Suggestions for Further Study

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[3]从双层词类范畴化理论看现代汉语自指词项的兼类问题[J]. 王仁强,黄昌宁.  外国语文. 2017(01)
[4]现代汉语人体器官量词的语义语用性质[J]. 刘雪芹,任德国.  现代语文(语言研究版). 2016(08)
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[2]人体器官类临时名量词研究[D]. 王宇霞.沈阳师范大学 2015
[3]认知视角下现代汉语人体器官量词及其偏误分析[D]. 任德国.南京师范大学 2014
[4]现代汉语人体名词作名量词的多角度研究[D]. 马晶.云南大学 2012
[5]人体词语及其文化内涵分析[D]. 许晋.内蒙古大学 2004




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