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there be存在句在小说语域和学术语域下的对比研究

发布时间:2022-08-04 15:41
  本文在功能语言学的理论框架内,旨在探索there be存在句在小说和学术两种不同语域下的形式、意义及其功能上的不同。这三方面是相互联系、相辅相成的。本文的讨论从三个维度展开,即自上而下,从下到上,从外向内。.目前,没有学者研究某一个具体语域中的there be存在句,并且将不同语域中的there be存在句进行对比。本文选择小说和学术这两种语域下的there be存在句作为研究对象,每个语域涵括500个例句,共1000个there be存在句。本文中的所有存在句取自美国当代英语语料库(COCA),均由作者手工标注,数据由语料库工具AntConc收集完成。存在句是一个普遍的句法结构,人们用它来表达实体存在与否。原则上讲,世界上的一切现象,只要能够被编码成事物的人、物体、机制或抽象概念,甚至活动或事件,都可以通过存在结构表达出来。从语法隐喻角度来说,存在句有一致式和隐喻式。存在句中的一致式用来表达某处存在某一实体;而隐喻式存在句则表达了现实世界中的事件、活动以及抽象的精神世界等经验意义。某处存在某物是存在句非标记的用法,而表达事件、活动、精神世界等是存在句的标记性用法。本文借助丰富的语言实... 

【文章页数】:64 页


1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the study
    1.2 Objectives of the study
    1.3 Data collection and research method
    1.4 Organization of the thesis
2 Literature Review
    2.1 Previous studies on existential clauses
        2.1.1 Traditional approach
        2.1.2 Generative approach
        2.1.3 Cognitive approach
        2.1.4 Systemic functional approach
    2.2 Current problems in existential clauses
3 Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Transitivity system in systemic functional grammar
        3.1.1 Six processes in transitivity system
        3.1.2 Existential process in transitivity system
    3.2 Grammatical metaphor
        3.2.1 Congruent and metaphorical realizations
        3.2.2 Classification of grammatical metaphor
4 The Comparative Analysis of there be Existential Clauses in Fictional andAcademic Register
    4.1 The different form of existential clauses in fictional and academic register
        4.1.1 The differences of existential verb be
        4.1.2 The differences of existent
        4.1.3 The differences of the non-finite element
        4.1.4 The differences of circumstantial element
        4.1.5 Summary
    4.2 The different meaning of existential clauses in fictional and academic register
        4.2.1 Existential meaning&Happening meaning in fictional register
        4.2.2 Existential meaning&Happening meaning in academic register
        4.2.3 The grammatical metaphor in two registers
        4.2.4 Summary
    4.3 The different function of existential clauses in fictional and academic register
        4.3.1 The discourse function of existential clauses in fictional register
        4.3.2 The discourse function of existential clauses in academic register
5 Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings of the study
    5.2 Significance of the study
    5.3 Limitations and prospects for further research

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