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发布时间:2022-08-09 12:48

【文章页数】:115 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Significance of the Research
    1.3 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
        2.1.1 Definition of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
        2.1.2 Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition and Intentional Vocabulary Learning
        2.1.3 Factors Affecting Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
    2.2 Researches on Graded Readers
        2.2.1 Researches on Graded Readers abroad
        2.2.2 Researches on Graded Readers at Home
    2.3 Researches on Correlation between Reading and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
        2.3.1 Researches on Correlation between Reading and Incidental VocabularyAcquisition abroad
        2.3.2 Researches on Correlation between Reading and Incidental VocabularyAcquisition at Home
        2.3.3 Problems on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in Reading
    2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Incidental Vocabulary Learning Mode
    3.2 Involvement Load Hypothesis
    3.3 Focus and Enrichment Mode
Chapter Four Methodology
    4.1 Research Questions
    4.2 Research Subjects
    4.3 Research Instruments
        4.3.1 Questionnaires
        4.3.2 Reading Materials
        4.3.3 Target Words
        4.3.4 Vocabulary Size Test
        4.3.5 Vocabulary Gain and Retention Tests
    4.4 Research Procedure
    4.5 Data Collection and Analysis
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
    5.1 Results of Vocabulary Gain and Retention Test
        5.1.1 Results of the Test after Reading Nomads-A Wandering People
        5.1.2 Results of the Test after Reading The World beyond Earth
        5.1.3 Results of the Test after Reading Lesson from Lea
        5.1.4 Results of the Test after Reading Cotton Wool Kids
        5.1.5 Results of Vocabulary Retention Test
    5.2 Effectiveness of Text-based Factors on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
        5.2.1 Effects of Topic Familiarity on Incidental Vocabulary Gain and Retention
        5.2.2 Effects of Different Genres on Incidental Vocabulary Gain and Retention
    5.3 Results of Questionnaires of Students’Interest Change
    5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings
    6.2 Pedagogical Implications
    6.3 Limitations
    6.4 Suggestions for Future Study
AppendixⅠ:Vocabulary Size Text
AppendixⅡ:Interest Change Questionnaire
AppendixⅢ:Topic Familiarity Questionnaire
AppendixⅣ:Target Words
AppendixⅤ:Immediate Vocabulary Gain Test(Exposition)
AppendixⅥ:Immediate Vocabulary Gain Test(Narration)
AppendixⅦ:Delayed Vocabulary Retention Test(Exposition)
AppendixⅧ:Delayed Vocabulary Retention Test(Narration)
AppendixⅨ:Reading Materials

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