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发布时间:2022-10-06 18:15
  新闻是对社会事实的反映,而新闻事件的新闻价值是通过构建在新闻话语中来呈现给读者的,因此分析新闻价值是如何构建在新闻话语中的可以帮助人们更好地了解新闻背后的社会事实。新闻价值的话语分析方法可以帮助研究者系统地分析新闻价值是如何在新闻报道中被构建或凸显的。孔子学院从04年建立以来已有15年的历史。根据国家汉办数据,截至2018年底,英国已建立了29所孔子学院,是欧洲孔子学院最多的国家。本文试图借助新闻价值的话语分析方法,分析英国主流媒体在不同时期对孔子学院新闻报道中新闻价值的话语构建。文章首先将孔子学院在英国的发展分为建立初期,反思期和新时期;然后借助UAM corpus tool 3.0分别对三个时期的新闻报道进行标注;接着利用Bednarek和Caple的新闻价值的话语分析框架分别分析三个时期新闻价值的话语构建;最后对三个时期新闻价值的话语构建进行比较来找出其异同。研究表明,英国主流媒体在三个时期均构建了孔子学院的十个新闻价值,但是各个时期突出构建的新闻价值有所不同。(1)在英国孔子学院建立初期凸显的前三个新闻价值是重大,时效和接地。重大主要通过数词,强化词和比较等语言手段来构建。时效... 

【文章页数】:97 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 The Objectives and Significance of the Thesis
    1.3 Framework of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 News Values
        2.1.1 A Material Perspective on News Values
        2.1.2 A Cognitive Perspective on News Values
        2.1.3 A Social Perspective on News Values
        2.1.4 A New Discursive Perspective on News Values
    2.2 Previous Studies on Discursive News Values Analysis
        2.2.1 Previous Studies on Discursive News Values Analysis Abroad
        2.2.2 Previous Studies on Discursive News Values Analysis at Home
    2.3 Previous studies on Confucius Institute
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Discursive News Values Analysis(DNVA)
    3.2 Bednarek and Caple’s Framework for DNVA
        3.2.1 Consonance
        3.2.2 Eliteness
        3.2.3 Impact
        3.2.4 Negativity(and Positivity)
        3.2.5 Personalization
        3.2.6 Proximity
        3.2.7 Superlativeness
        3.2.8 Timeliness
        3.2.9 Unexpectedness
Chapter Four Research Design and Methodology
    4.1 Research Questions
    4.2 Data Collection
    4.3 Research Procedure
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
    5.1 Analysis of News Values in the Initial Stage
        5.1.1 Analysis of Superlativeness in the Initial Stage
        5.1.2 Analysis of Timeliness in the Initial Stage
        5.1.3 Analysis of Proximity in the Initial Stage
        5.1.4 Analysis of Other News Values in the Initial Stage
    5.2 Analysis of News Values in the Reflective Stage
        5.2.1 Analysis of Negativity in the Reflective Stage
        5.2.2 Analysis of Superlativeness in the Reflective Stage
        5.2.3 Analysis of Timeliness in the Reflective Stage
        5.2.4 Analysis of Other News Values in the Reflective Stage
    5.3 Analysis of News Values in the New Stage
        5.3.1 Analysis of Superlativeness in the New Stage
        5.3.2 Analysis of Positivity in the New Stage
        5.3.3 Analysis of Eliteness in the New Stage
        5.3.4 Analysis of Other News Values in the New Stage
    5.4 Comparative Analysis of News Values in the Three Stages
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings of the Study
    6.2 Implications of the Study
    6.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix A Publications
Appendix B News Collected from British Mainstream Media in the Initial Stage
Appendix C News Collected from British Mainstream Media in the Reflective Stage
Appendix D News Collected from British Mainstream Media in the New Stage

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